Days 7&8: Bowling for Skinny

The first time I ever played a game of bowling, I won. I beat seven other people, amongst them serial bowlers, passionate bowlers and highly competitive bowlers.

It was satisfying getting strike after strike.

Satisfying knocking the pins down one by one.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5....

If this diet were a game of bowling, I'd be quite high up on the leader board.

The past two days haven't been tough whatsoever. I had a lovely evening on Sunday that didn't revolve around food, or even avoiding it as such (although I did face a tuna sandwich muncher whose grocery bag contents I helped unpack). I didn't have a single desire for food and the only thing I found myself craving was my beloved juice which would have been my number one handbag priority had I been able to find a plastic bottle to put it in.

Poor Stephen seemed so worried when he came to pick me up, hugging me gently, a flash of concern in his eyes. I think my chirpy mood put his mind at ease a little later in the evening though; he admitted I was in much better form than he had anticipated.

That's the thing with this diet. You just never know how you're going to feel when you wake up. And then again once evening time comes. It brings on unexpected highs and lows and messes with your hormones. Mood swings I have had to embrace. Along with a pale complexion. And extra dark circles under my eyes- without makeup I look like I've survived a three round boxing match.

No matter how good of a day I'm having, there comes a time in the night when extreme fatigue sets in. My muscles start to spasm and cramp and I experience shortness of breath- a little bit as if someone were sitting on my chest.

On top of everything I've started having really vivid, disturbing dreams. And doing that thing where I jump in my sleep. It's mostly because my body is starved of all the minerals and nutrients it so badly needs. I already have quite low iron reserves, so I imagine this regime isn't helping the matter one bit.

Today, Monday, has been good overall. Perhaps the most testing part of the day was a trip to McDonalds with the girls. The minute I entered, the delicious smell engulfed me and sent my senses reeling. I wanted one of everything. Super size.

I don't even like McDonald's food all that much. But today... today it seemed divine.

I've been sipping on my juice regularly the past few days. I keep having to restock on lemons and maple syrup and I'm pretty sure the workers in Superquinn have me on their radar; the security men instructed to pounce and kick me out the next time I wander within twenty meters of the appropriate isles.

I haven't had the opportunity to do the Salt Water Flush the past few days. Not that I'm complaining or anything... I simply feel like I'm being a bad Maple Syrup Diet worshipper. The Salt Water Flush is an important part of the diet/detox plan. For the most part it's just extremely inconvenient and if I weren't so restless/had important things to take care of... maybe I'd put myself on voluntary house arrest and spend some quality time with the loo.

I've decided to go the full hog. A full 10 days without food. An easy decision to make when the scales are slavishly showing smaller and smaller numbers by the day.

I'm another half a kilogram lighter today and I feel elated. I don't want this ever to stop. I can feel the fat literally melting away. Or maybe it's my muscles eating themselves. Either/Or, there's some sorta funny business going on inside my core.

I struck lucky with my first game of bowling. And now I'm about to strike lucky with my first fad diet too.

My lucky number 10.


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