Miss Maple's Crash Diet: The beginning

Organic Lemons, Cayenne Pepper, Cleansing Tea, Pure Maple Syrup and Sea Salt. A wicked feast for the brave.

It's not the most appetizing spread I've ever seen laid out on a table, but these are the components of my Maple Syrup Diet Kit.

For the next week or so, I am subjecting myself to a testing detox diet. All for the love of my art- journalism.

Today is Day One and already I've concocted my first syrupy pint for the day but I have yet to take a sip. The Cleansing Dandelion tea I had first thing this morning has surprisingly cured me of my cravings for my usual breakfast of porridge mixed with a banana and strawberry yoghurt.

I'm the kind of person who wakes up looking forward to eating breakfast, so I was expecting it to be a lot more difficult. I have my Salt Water Flush mixture by my side, ready to gulp down as soon as I can find the courage. My worst nightmare is drowning so forcing myself to drink a litre of sea salted water is not going to go down too well.


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